Friday, November 18, 2011


How single parent grants work

Being a single parent to raise children is difficult; it is like holding 2 jobs. A single parent needs to play the role of the father and the mother at different times. You would need a lot of patience, love and know how to juggle between family and work.

Single parents tend to struggle with their finances as a lot of their time and effort are spent on caring for their children, especially when they are young. It is hard to make time for work; hence, the finances can be quite tight.

Single parents require financial assistance most of the time to make ends meet. Single parent grants are available for this very purpose. Many grant programs are set up to offer supplemental funds for single mothers or fathers with a low income. Any grant amount helps with the imposing expenses of raising a child.
There are governmental grants and local charities offering single parent grants which are intended to enhance the quality of life for the single parent and the family.

Grant eligibility
There are many single parent grants available if you seek them out but you have to identify your area of financial need. It could be food, daily expenses, rental, medical care or babysitting services.
Any single parent of at least 18 years old can apply for one of these single parent grants. Younger single parents require a parental guide or guardian. Different terms and conditions apply on different single parent grants.

A single parent must be divorced, widowed or abandoned to be eligible for single parent grants.
Exception to the rule applies to seriously disabled or injured spouses who can no longer work to support the family.

Purpose of single parent grants
Some single parent grants are set up to fund the tuition fees for single parents who want to further their education for better job opportunities. Other single parent grants are given to assist with the living conditions of the family if the single parent’s income is too low, based on current living standards and inflation. Grants can be given to assist in paying for children’s schooling expenses at the beginning of each school term or for small businesses by single parents.
Grants and Loans
Grants are different from loans; grants need not be repaid whereas loans need to be repaid with interest. Grants are given on a compassionate basis depending on the circumstances and pressing needs of the single parent. There are certain criteria which a single parent has to meet to be given a grant. There is no consideration of the single parent’s ability in repaying the money.

A loan is usually obtained from a financial institution which considers the single parent’s ability to pay back the loan. A single parent may enjoy certain privileges such as getting a lower interest rate or a longer repayment period.

Welcome to Single Parent Center – providing the single parents tips and information concerning about the best single parent grants for improving your life as well as the life of your child. is loaded with information for single parent families which can help you to become the best grants for single mothers. discusses options for single mothers seeking to attend college for the first time or return to school. Various scholarships and grants are discussed as well as social work programs and options. There are many scholarships that are not in the public eye but can be a nice supplement.
Find More Single Parent Grants For School Articles

Source : How single parent grants work

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